Listing Courtesy Of:
Charley Ford Vail Beaver Creek Real Estate, Charles Ford
Místní realitní služby poskytované:
Keller Williams Mountain Properties LLC
Co to bude stát
Podobné domy
16 Vail Road #402 weeks 1, 2 & 3, Vail, CO 81657
2 lůžka
2 koupele
čtverečních stop
Přihlášení pro odhalení ceny
16 Vail Road #402 weeks 1, 2 & 3, Vail, CO 81657
Odhad poskytnutý společností Keller Williams Realty Inc..
2 lůžka
2 koupele
čtverečních stop
Popis nemovitosti
First time to market & originally purchased by an astute Fixed Week Owner in 2007 during the pre-construction phase, this remarkable Penthouse 402 offers the epitome of mountain luxury and is a rare find for the discerning Buyer. Boasting unparalleled location and features the best views The Sebastian Vail has to offer. From the expansive kitchen, dining area & great room you'll be treated to sweeping vistas of Vail Mountain, where every Golden Peak sunrise and sunset is just beyond the Lionshead Vista Bahn Gondola ... all framed by majestic ski slope views. Step outside onto your private deck, where 180-degree views extend from the first light of day to the golden hues of sunset, while Vail Village comes alive beneath the glistening sun. Whether you're enjoying the snowy calm January after the holidays or taking in all the January POW days, the location of this two bedroom & two story residence is truly one-of-a-kind for all of Vail Village.
Enjoy a ski vacation like no other—where every detail is taken care of, leaving you to simply savor each moment. This Fixed Week ownership ~ Same Residence Same Weeks ~ eliminates the hassle of mtn ski home maintenance, ensuring your stays are always stress-free. Start your day with a coffee & lite fare in the vibrant Owners Lounge, the perfect place for Worldly après-ski conversations. Located just steps from Gondola One, The Sebastian Vail offers unmatched convenience with Base Camp, your ski gear is easily accessible, with rental, storage, and concierge services ready to make your mountain adventures seamless. Dine at the renowned Leonora Restaurant or explore Vail's newest dining hotspot, The Gambit, with room service available for ultimate convenience. Relax and unwind at the luxurious Bloom Spa, stay fit at the state-of-the-art fitness center, or lounge by the pool and hot tubs, all while soaking with that fresh mountain air.
The Timbers Reciprocity Program (TRP) offers the flexibility to purchase additional acces First time to market & originally purchased by an astute Fixed Week Owner in 2007 during the pre-construction phase, this remarkable Penthouse 402 offers the epitome of mountain luxury and is a rare find for the discerning Buyer. Boasting unparalleled location and features the best views The Sebastian Vail has to offer. From the expansive kitchen, dining area & great room you'll be treated to sweeping vistas of Vail Mountain, where every Golden Peak sunrise and sunset is just beyond the Lionshead Vista Bahn Gondola ... all framed by majestic ski slope views. Step outside onto your private deck, where 180-degree views extend from the first light of day to the golden hues of sunset, while Vail Village comes alive beneath the glistening sun. Whether you're enjoying the snowy calm January after the holidays or taking in all the January POW days, the location of this two bedroom & two story residence is truly one-of-a-kind for all of Vail Village.
Enjoy a ski vacation like no otherwhere every detail is taken care of, leaving you to simply savor each moment. This Fixed Week ownership ~ Same Residence Same Weeks ~ eliminates the hassle of mtn ski home maintenance, ensuring your stays are always stress-free. Start your day with a coffee & lite fare in the vibrant Owners Lounge, the perfect place for Worldly après-ski conversations. Located just steps from Gondola One, The Sebastian Vail offers unmatched convenience with Base Camp, your ski gear is easily accessible, with rental, storage, and concierge services ready to make your mountain adventures seamless. Dine at the renowned Leonora Restaurant or explore Vail's newest dining hotspot, The Gambit, with room service available for ultimate convenience. Relax and unwind at the luxurious Bloom Spa, stay fit at the state-of-the-art fitness center, or lounge by the pool and hot tubs, all while soaking with that fresh mountain air.
The Timbers Reciprocity Program (TRP) offers the flexibility to purchase additional access to a collection of luxury destinations worldwide, from the beaches of Hawaii to the serene landscapes of Italy + California, South Carolina, Florida, Aspen & Steamboat Springs. Travel in style, with the luxury of having other prestigious Timbers Resorts properties at your fingertips.
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